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Monday, October 4, 2010

Music Unites Two Sisters

For the past several weeks Abigail Foehrkolb has been working on the lyrics to a pop ballad for her sister Mackenzie (14) who has autism.  Abby wanted to make something special for her sister, from her sisters point of view.  Sisters always seem to know what to say and Abby is no exception.  She composed a song about being Autistic and dealing with the highs and lows of Autism. Abby then encouraged her sister to perform the piece for the world to hear.   We would love for you to share this post, comment on this post and encourage others to see that we are all the same!

We would also love it if you would sponsor a walker on Team Kenzie Doodle.  CLICK HERE for the link to sponsor a walker on the team.  You can also double click on the song below and purchase a copy for yourself to put on your iPod or MP3 player. 

<a href="">I'm The Same as You by Kids Sing Studio-Lisa Casciola, MT-BC</a>