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Thursday, February 18, 2010

Can't say I didn't learn something today. . .

You know every day you learn something new even if you don't realize it. I love learning new things about the computer, new songs, new recordings, new recipes, basically anything to make like a little easier.  Well, in preparing for these Muny Auditions and the Alice in Wonderland Auditions, and the upcoming STAGES auditions, not to mention the summer show auditions right around the corner---we are making a lot of photo copies during lessons. We have a specific way that we want to present our music to our accompanist and at times copying a music book on a home copier can be a really big pain, use a ton of ink and be a waste of time...but tonight...after I have made over 35 audition accompaniment presentations for the upcoming auditions....I discovered the almighty "FIT TO PAGE" setting on my home scanner/printer.  During my 6:30 lesson we decided to set the printer to "FIT TO PAGE" simply set the oversized music on the printer and VIOLA!  the music was basically flawless.  So for all of you who are trying to copy music for auditions...try this on your printer!  You know sometimes the things that seem so simple are right there before our eyes but we just needed someone to point it out!  Enjoy my little tip!

I also learned how to make a better navigation bar on my blog but this required some serious hacking into HTML codes and I am not sure if I will ever be able to do it again.  I really had to put on my thinking cap for that one.  Thank goodness for YouTube and computer tutorials.  Making graphics and arranging your website how you want it to look can be a real obsession---take it from me ;)
