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Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Alice in Wonderland. . .

It's looking good for my students who tried out for Alice in Wonderland. 
It seems that 80 kids were cut but none of them from Kids Sing Studio.  
These kids worked very very hard to have great auditions!  
I am so proud.  I know that everyone clamors for a chance to work with Tom Murray! 

But you know what...
I am proud & you should be proud even if you don't make it in a show...part of learning about musical theatre is going through the process of preparing for an audition, learning a song, learning a show and keeping your eye on the prize. Sometimes you don't make it in things that you try out for...sometimes you don't get the part you want...sometimes you don't get the part you think you deserved...that is how it is in the world of theatre.  

Next weekend are the Muny auditions and everyone is not going to make it for whatever reason.  
They have to make cuts but what matters is the fact that you went and you tried. 
You are super prepared and you are ready to rumble!  
So rest up this week, remember to practice good vocal health, get some sleep & keep your focus.  

Congratulations to the Alice in Wonderland Cast--that was a tough audition.  
(I think this is all correct but might have something wrong)
Grace is the Queen of Hearts
Marlee is Tall Alice
Braden is Tweedle Dee
Lauren is the White Rabbit
Jordan is the Cat
Grace is a Flower
Caroline is a Rock Lobster
Scout is in the Wonderland Chorus
Teresa is in the Wonderland Chorus
Taylor is in the Wonderland Chorus
(7 of these kids got callbacks! Way to Go)
