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Monday, September 20, 2010

Most Embarrassing Moment Contest

To all of my current students I am having a contest to win a
(full disclosure) 
(donated by my little sister Emily) 

I am sitting here right now listening to my iPod on it and I had to adjust the volume for a while but once it is set I am all good. Not a lot of power but a great way to listen to your iPod in your room.  She was going to give it to Goodwill BUT I stopped her and thought that one of you might enjoy!  

So you have to share your MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT! It would be great if it was a music related embarrassing moment!  To share your story you have to make a comment on this post.  If you do not know how to do that let me know!  Just look below this post and comment!

Once we have all of the posts (DUE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY) a random winner will be pulled out of  a hat by my sweetie pie Maria! 