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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Congratulations & Student of the Month. . .

Congratulations to Maria K!

She got the part of Gretel in the SOUND OF MUSIC at the MUNY!
This is a amazing accomplishment!  I am so proud.  I know this makes Maria my 
Let me give you a little background on this adorable little 8 year old student of mine.  

I have known Maria since her mom was pregnant with her. Maria's brother Grant has Autism and as a music therapist I have enjoyed working with Grant for the past 11 years.  Over the years I have gotten to know his family and consider them some of my most special friends.  I remember finishing up working with Grant and telling his mom we need to get that little Maria in the Muny. (Well, she was always too young.) I started voice lessons with Maria when she was 4 years old. Even then Maria had a remarkable ability to match pitches, follow rhythms and memorize difficult songs. She was highly involved in the irish arts dancing, irish flute and harp. She worked very hard at her lessons and all of the other activities that she was involved in including swimming, gymnastics and tennis just to name a few.  Over the years Maria has been blossoming and is a loyal member of the Muny Kids!  This alone is a special accomplishment.  When we heard that Maria may be up for a "part" at the Muny we were overwhelmed just to be considered AND to be considered as such a young little lady.  Maria has been working tirelessly on her Muny audition pieces and been preparing for whatever may come her way!  I am a proud teacher and feel so lucky to know Maria and her wonderful family.
Congratulations Maria!  