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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Importance Of Undertaking A Warm Up Activity Before Singing. . .

It is always absolutely essential for singers to undertake warm up exercises before every performance. Singing is something that can be physically draining for a person. Being a singer involves more than simply going up on stage and singing songs. There is also a great deal of practice along with many hours of preparation involved.
Singing is exactly the same as exercising. An effective warm up routine is required in order to be able to perform well. For this reason, it is essential for a singer to warm up the vocal cords before any performance, in order to endure the strains that singing can, at times, deliver. Listed below are more valid reasons as to why it is important for a singer to undertake warm up exercises before any performance:

1. To Get In Touch With Himself
It is important that a singer is both psychologically and physically conditioned to the task of singing. In doing so, the singer will be able to deliver better notes, and feel the song. A beautiful rendition of a song is not only because the singer sung it well, but also because they sang it with the right emotions overflowing.

2. To Energize Himself
Warming up the voice gives the singer the required strength in their voice to execute high notes. The singer will certainly fall short of breath without this energy, and lack the ability to sing song after song.

3. To Loosen Up The Muscles
It is usual for a singer to articulate before giving a performance, in order to loosen their jaws, lips, and tongues, so that they can correctly pronounce the words of the song. This also assists their expiatory airflow system.

4. To Eliminate Vocal Injuries
Many people are not aware of the fact that injury can be caused to the vocal cords when they are not correctly warmed up. If a series of songs are sung that require high notes, then severe injury can be a result of not warming up correctly. Of course, no singer wishes to attain injuries, as it would mean that they cannot sing again until the vocal cords are healed.

5. To Obtain a Nice Vocal Timbre
A singer is not only prepared when they have undertaken warm ups, but they can also serve as a training method for the achievement of an even more melodious voice. The pharynx can also be shaped and formed in the correct way, when the warm up exercises are undertaken frequently.
It is not simply a requirement that singers undertakes warm up exercises before a performance. The exercises are primarily undertaken in order to protect the singer's voices, as well as to preserve it. The importance of warming up exercises should not be ignored. They are essential in maintaining the melodious voice of a singer.
Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of, a site that provides information and articles for musicians at all stages of their development.
